My life is now complete.

J got her laptop so here we are at the table, across from each other, on our own computers and we are talking about what we’re typing or looking at. We are actually having a conversation about how I hate the word meme. I think it sounds stupid and also I think the Internet use of it doesn’t follow the definition. J looked it up on Wikipedia (I love Wikipedia) and was reading me the definition after I told her that I don’t like referring to surveys as memes. From now on I am only referring to them as surveys, I am boycotting the use of the word meme on this blog, so that was the last time it will be used. Do not speak that word on here, I’m a meme Nazi (okay, I know I just said it again but I swear that is the last time).


  1. About damn time. Besides. That is what Emmi calls her stepmom. And well, we all know how I feel about that…..

  2. Text me your email address, and I will email you back with all my info! Because yesterday you missed my emails about the pee pee water. Did you see the news report about pharmacutecals (how the hell do you spell that…I need spell check in the comments) in the water? Well that wasn’t what disturbed me. It was HOW THEY GOT THERE. From people peeing them out, and it not getting filtered before it is turned back into drinking water. We are all drinking PEE PEE! I flipped out yesterday via email. You missed out!

  3. Meme meme meme meme. Stupid word.

  4. It is a stupid word.

    I hate it too.

    To the point I’ve kind of refused to do them for the last few months.

    Eff those meme’s.

  5. thank YOU!! what the hell kind of word is meme anyway. you are right a stupid word. i felt like such an ass the first time i heard it i had no freakin’ clue what the ef it was I had to look it up in wikipedia too. duh!! lol I’m glad I’m not the only one who dislikes it. 🙂

    i wanna laptop too!!! 😛

    gotta run! have a good day.

  6. Meme!

  7. To me it is a French Grandmother! I HATE that word, used in this context, not in reference to a Meme.

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