Movin’ on up!

You can view me over here now.

Clearly I suck at this.

So my previous post about making time for blogging was a total lie. I’ve been so into just living life right now that aside from checking my facebook I pretty much never get on the computer. I’ve been training for a half marathon and that’s taking up 3 days a week (soon to be 4) and the other days I get to clean house and spend time with the kids.
I love my job still, it totally kicks ass. I love my coworkers and that is so important, I never thought I would meet real friends at work.
I’m totally rockin’ on the weight loss front, I’ve lost almost 40 pounds now and I’m not gonna lie, I look hot! I’m really proud of myself because I’ve stuck with running and I can totally see effects of it. It’s been 10 weeks now since I moved here and I’m still loving every minute.
I get to go out on weekends and act like an adult, it’s so amazing.
Luis came in town last week and we had a blast (well, aside from the part that he damn near cut off his finger tip, that part sucked). He left Saturday after being here for a week and I’m already counting down the days till he gets to come back. I love being in Houston but I really can’t wait till he gets orders somewhere else, I miss having him around even when he annoys the shit out of me.
I’ll try to post some pics on here of the 5Ks that I did and some newer pics of me and the kids, I’m actually considering turning this into a picture blog because I can do that from the phone and am much more likely to actually do that. So, I’m not going to lie to you again, I don’t know when I’ll blog again but just know that I will eventually.

Time to make room for blogging.

I’ve been hella busy lately with my new job and family obligations and such and I just haven’t made time for blogging. I’m going to try to blog more often now but I guess I just don’t feel like blogging because I know no one has been reading really since I never announced to anyone that I’m blogging here now.

I deleted my blogspot blog before I moved to Houston because I didn’t want to keep up with it anymore, I made some pretty big changes, I deleted some people from my life and I didn’t want anyone to follow me here. I’m happy now and I’m secure enough now to branch out and maybe let a few people know where I am. I could handle being found out now because I’m strong enough to stand up.

I was worried I made a mistake but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt now that I made the right decision and I’m in a good place. Ending friendships is hard but having peace of mind when it’s over is even harder and I’m there.

Long time, no see.

So, it’s been awhile. I’ve been really busy, like REALLY busy.

So much has happened I don’t even know where to begin…

I got a job, I start Monday. It’s the perfect job! It’s part-time, indoors and I make pretty decent money. The hours are perfect, I’ll be able to take the kids to school and pick them up and I’m guaranteed Sunday off. It was the first job that I applied for and I was completely blown away that I got it and so soon.

The kids are settling in nicely here, my mom is helping  me out a ton and for that I am really grateful. We’re getting along well and so far our lives are meshing pretty great. The kids love having their grandma and paw paw around all the time now and they seem to be enjoying having the grandkids around too. Pucca and my mom’s dog get along great, everything is working out perfectly.

Along with all the other changes happening right now I’ve decided to start training for a 1/2 marathon (yes, that is 13.2 miles). My cousin and I started running and I’m just so comepletely into it. I forgot how great I feel after a good run, it’s been 6 years since I ran and it was wonderful to get out there and run my stress away. I’m starting out slow, I’m going to be doing a 5K run at the end of May so I’m sure I’ll post pictures on here.

Life is great, I forgot what it was like to be happy again and let me tell you, it’s amazing!

I’m here!!!

Well, I’m in Houston but I’m exhausted now! I’ll write more later, I still have lots to unpack.

It’s almost here!!!

Today my mom is coming in town with my dad’s truck so load up our stuff and take back Houston. I’m so freakin’ excited.

I’ve already got so many plans to hang out with friends and family, my life is going to be so crazy for the first month or so. It’s going to be weird getting adjusted to doing things all the time again. In Oklahoma we just sit around and play video games, it’s so boring.

I recently got in touch with two of my best friends from high school and I’m super excited about hanging out with them again. My family is pretty excited too, my cousin, Mere, is texting me daily with the countdown to my arrival and plans for when I move. It’s going to be so nice to have friends and family to support me again, I need them and it’s great to know that they don’t mind being needed.

Next time I blog I’ll probably be in Houston, see you then (Tricia)!


They screwed up a little, but that’s what you get when you go to a grooming school. I’m fine with it though, it’s just hair, it’ll grow back…quickly too.

My dog, the broke down hooker.

Pucca has her first groomer’s appointment today. She desperately needs a cut, she looked like a nappy headed ho.

When I dropped her off she looked at me like I was selling her on the black market to a Chinese restaurant, there was terror in her eyes.

I want her to be nice and pretty for the trip to Houston,  you know, so she can puke on her pretty hair. I love that I got a little dog so I can take her with me places and I get the defective one that pukes when she looks at a car.

Well, I’m off to do more packing, I’ll post a pic of my little pumpkin when I pick her up.

Houston countdown:

T minus 8 days!!!

I’m so excited…

…and I just can’t hide it.
I move next week! I’m starting to pack up and I can’t stop smiling. I am so ready for this.
I can’t wait to hang out with friends I haven’t seen in years, to spend time with my family, to have a babysitter when I’m feeling stressed, I’m so ready.

Where did I go?

I’m sitting here, in bed, I’ve been here all day. I should have gotten up but instead I brought the laptop in here. I don’t know what I’m searching for today or for the last few years for that matter but I know I still can’t find it.

I’m lost, I’ve been wandering through my life aimlessly for awhile now. I don’t recognize myself anymore, the change happened slow, I didn’t see it coming. I woke up one day and didn’t know the person staring back at me in the mirror.

I don’t know my limits, I don’t know what I will do, I don’t know what I want because I don’t know who I am. This is a very confusing place to be, it’s especially confusing for friends and family because they don’t know that the person they love might not be there anymore.

I’m different now and I don’t think I like that anymore. I used to like who I was and the only thing that has changed is me, I must be the problem.